Wakefield Acorn Spring Show '97

Photos from the Wakefield Acorn Computer Group's second show

The Wakefield Spring Show '97 was the first to take place at the Thornes Park Athletics Stadium, and was held on 17th and 18th May 1997. The photographs presented here were mostly taken on Saturday, 17th May and were used in a report which appeared in RISC User 10:7.

The captions used here are the ones that were suggested for use in the magazine; further comments appear in italics.

Pic An appallingly blurry picture of iSV Products' Aaron Timbrell
Pic Acorn's walk-through stand occupied the central position
Pic Argo's Cybership stand was particularly nicely laid out
Pic Pic Acorn's NC was looking good, and is now available to buy
Pic An NC remote-control handset (unfortunately, a rather fuzzy picture)
Pic Acorn's most enticing preview: a colour portable
Pic Pic The new A7000+ was one of the main attractions of Acorn’s stand
Pic Beebug demonstrated the latest version of Ovation Pro
Pic A.C.E. of Germany was clearly tired of the boring, grey Risc PC case
(eat your heart out, Apple!)
Pic The R-Comp stand, doing brisk trade in the foreground
Pic TBA's Brutal Horse Power was on show in the games arcade
Pic The show was crammed with visitors, though they didn't all look exactly friendly!
Pic Acorn staff were on hand to answer questions about the A7000+ and other new products
Pic A long shot of the hall
Pic Acorn was demonstrating lots of exciting new software and hardware
Pic LOOKsystems launched Font Directory Professional
Pic Jon Duddingtom was demonstrating Speak, now with local accents!
Pic Pic The Thornes Park Stadium was comfortably spacious
Pic Pic RISC User's Marshal Anderson in mid-flow
Pic Pic He may look like he was asleep, but Peter Bondar kept us on the edges of our seats!